When a bathroom starts to feel cramped and worn down, it might be time for bathroom renovations. There’s not a thumb rule of how frequently should bathroom remodeling be done, however, your washroom is something that you have to be constantly assessing.
Luckily, bathroom renovations can be easier if you follow these five steps:
1. Measure Your Space
Before you start your bathroom renovations, it’s a smart idea to get out the tape measure and get measurements of your bathroom. You’ll want to make note of the width and depth of each wall – even walls that look like they’re parallel will usually meet at a corner somewhere. Knowing how much space you have available will help you figure out what changes are possible within a manageable budget. For example, if you can’t afford a whole new bathroom, but there’s still a part that feels cramped or cluttered, small changes can make a big difference.
2. Clean Your Bathroom Thoroughly
It’s a good idea to deep clean your bathroom – especially if it hasn’t been properly cleaned in a long time. You’ll also want to give the bathroom a once-over and remove anything that doesn’t belong or anything you don’t use regularly. If there are directly exposed pipes, clean those too.
3. Assess Your Water Damage
If you’ve got water damage on walls and ceilings, you might be able to bleach it away or sand down smooth before you paint over it, but sometimes this isn’t enough. Make sure that everything lining the floors is waterproof directly over the flooring material – if not, use some type of underlayment for added protection against moisture and mildew growth as well as noise from bathroom activities.
4. Get the Right Supplies
Before you buy bathroom supplies, take stock of what you have on hand – you might already have it covered! If not, it’s fairly easy to complete with just a regular toolset and some basic supplies.
5. Hire a Professional for the Hard Work
If installing new bathroom fixtures or dealing with plumbing is outside your skillset, it’s best to hire professional bathroom renovators. While renovations are inexpensive compared to most remodeling projects, plumbing work can be expensive if done incorrectly; having professionals do the hard labor ensures that everything will be done right and quickly.